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One Prompt, Many LLMs.

The Multidimensional AI Interface.
Optimal Usability. Functional Simplicity.Optimal Usability. Functional Simplicity.
Optimal Usability. Functional Simplicity.

Comprehensive Flexibility.
Mixed Models
Mixed Models

Compare and contrast the output of different models to the same prompt all on one screen.

Assorted Providers
Assorted Providers

Evalute the performance of various inference providers.

Parameter Calibration
Parameter Calibration

Found your favorite model? Tune parameter settings such as Temperature, Top-K, and Top-P.

Local, Hosted, or Cloud API Endpoint.

  • GPT 4 Turbo
  • GPT 4 32k
  • GPT 3.5 Turbo
  • GPT 3.5 Turbo 16k


  • Sonar Chat
  • Mistral 7b
  • Mixtral 8x7b
  • Codellama 70b


  • Gemma 7b
  • Llama2 70b
  • Llama3 70b
  • Mixtral-8x7b

Google Cloud
Google Cloud

  • Gemini 1.0 Pro
  • Gemini 1.5 Pro
  • Deploy any model on Google Cloud Platform

Hugging Face
Hugging Face

  • Thousands of models
  • Base models and fine-tunes
  • Fine-tune and deploy your own model


  • Host your own dedicated model
  • Let them supply the compute


  • Host your own dedicated model
  • Let them supply the compute

LM Studio
LM Studio

  • Local inference is private inference
  • Run your model on your hardware
  • No internet access needed

Run models from
anywhere and everywhere
all at once.
Performance Quantified.

Track quality with upvotes and downvotes.


Response time benchmarks.

Metrics at response level granularity.
Don't Limit Your Imagination to the Width of Your Monitor.
Wide Screen Shot
Run as Many LLMs Side by Side as Needed.
Outputs for All Your Needs.
For Spreadsheets

  • It's your data
  • Use it your way

For Reports

  • Minimal formatting
  • Focus on the data

For Presentation

  • All the fancy formatting
  • Impress your friends

Use Cases.
Speed Optimization Analysis

Use Synthonnel to identify the quickest AI models in delivering responses, optimizing operations where speed is critical, such as real-time customer interactions or urgent decision-making.

Methodological Insight

Explore and compare the underlying methodologies of various AI models to gain insights into their reasoning processes, enhancing understanding of AI capabilities and limitations.

Economic Efficiency Selection

Determine the most cost-effective AI model that still meets required accuracy standards, ideal for budget-conscious organizations seeking optimal performance without excessive expenditure.

Diverse Response Exploration

Provide power users with the ability to view a wide array of responses to the same prompt, facilitating in-depth analysis and comparison for enhanced decision-making or model development.

Comprehensive Model Testing and Evaluation

Leverage Synthonnel for rigorous testing and comparative evaluation of AI models, ensuring they meet specific performance criteria before implementation or during development phases.

Debate and Argumentation

Allow users to input a controversial topic or statement and receive a variety of arguments from different perspectives. This could be particularly useful for debate preparation or understanding multiple sides of an issue.

Multilingual Comparisons

Offer users the ability to input a prompt in one language and compare responses translated into multiple languages by different models, highlighting the nuances in translation and interpretation.

Embrace the Future

I, for one, welcome our new AI overlords. Some smart people have stated that now is the time to discuss which AI models will govern for the benefit of humanity, and which will reign with tyrannical despotism.

Creative Brainstorming

Help users in creative fields like writing, marketing, or design to generate diverse ideas, taglines, or solutions by viewing multiple creative responses at once.

Educational Purposes

Enable students and educators to analyze different explanations or solutions to educational problems (e.g., math problems, historical interpretations), fostering critical thinking and comparative analysis skills.

Interstellar Diplomacy

Simulate communications with hypothetical extraterrestrial intelligences. Evalutate AI models to determine which will represent humanity favorably and avoid the annihilation of mankind by potentially hostile aliens.

Bias Detection and Analysis

Users can analyze the biases of different AI models by comparing how each responds to the same prompt, particularly in terms of gender, race, or political bias.

AI Performance Benchmarking

Provide a platform for researchers and developers to test and compare the performance of different AI models on the same tasks under the same conditions to benchmark advancements or improvements in AI technologies.

User Customization and Preferences

Allow users to customize which models they want to compare based on previous interactions, preferred response styles, or specific model strengths, enhancing user engagement and satisfaction.

Customer Support Simulation

Businesses could use the app to see how different AI models handle customer inquiries or complaints, helping them choose the best AI solution for their customer support needs.

Legal and Ethical Scenario Responses

Offer insights into how different AI models handle complex legal or ethical dilemmas, providing valuable perspectives for professionals in law, ethics, or compliance.

Entertainment and Engagement

Create an engaging platform where users can input fun or whimsical prompts and see humorous, surprising, or entertaining responses from various AI models, making the experience both informative and enjoyable.

Environmental Impact Analysis

Enable users to query different AI models about strategies to reduce carbon footprints or environmental impact, comparing various eco-friendly suggestions and innovations.

Diversity and Inclusion Training

Use Synthonnel to provide varied responses on how to handle situations involving cultural sensitivity, diversity, and inclusion, aiding organizations in training programs that foster a more inclusive workplace.

Sustainable Development

Compare AI responses on best practices and innovative solutions for sustainable development, helping users to implement more environmentally sustainable business practices and solutions.

Ethical AI Development

Explore ethical considerations in AI development by comparing how different models address ethical dilemmas, helping to promote the development of more ethically aware AI systems.

Accessibility Improvements

Analyze responses from various AI regarding accessibility in technology, aiming to improve user experience design for people with disabilities, and ensuring broader accessibility in tech development.

AI-Powered Time Capsule Messages

Generate messages from various AI models predicting future trends, societal changes, or technological innovations. Print them on archival grade paper and seal them up for future generations.

Health Disparities and Medical Ethics

Compare AI insights on addressing health disparities and ethical medical treatment across different populations, supporting healthcare providers in offering equitable healthcare solutions.

Climate Change Mitigation Strategies

Utilize Synthonnel to gather and compare different AI perspectives on effective climate change mitigation tactics, aiding policymakers and activists in crafting informed strategies.

Educational Equity

Provide diverse approaches and solutions to achieving greater equity in education systems, aiding educators and policymakers in addressing and reducing educational disparities.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Help businesses compare AI-driven CSR strategies to find the most impactful and authentic ways to engage in social responsibility, enhancing brand reputation and community engagement.

Urban Planning for Inclusivity

Analyze varied AI proposals for making urban development more inclusive and accessible, assisting urban planners and city officials in designing cities that cater to diverse populations.

Describe Synthonnel…
…for the C-Suite.

Synthonnel is a cutting-edge software platform that transforms the way users interact with AI by displaying responses from multiple AI language models to a single prompt, all at once. This unique feature allows users to directly compare how different models respond in terms of speed, accuracy, and methodology. Whether you're a developer, researcher, or simply an AI enthusiast, Synthonnel offers a range of applications from testing and education to creative brainstorming.

The software is designed with the user in mind, enabling customization according to your preferences or the specific strengths of different AI technologies. It also tackles modern challenges such as environmental sustainability, diversity and inclusion, and ethical AI usage by providing diverse perspectives from various leading AI models.

With its user-friendly interface, Synthonnel not only deepens your understanding of AI capabilities but also engages you by demonstrating the potential and power of advanced AI technologies. Whether you are seeking the most cost-effective AI solution for your business, need various responses for detailed analysis, or are looking for innovative solutions to complex problems, Synthonnel is your gateway to exploring the vast world of AI. Make informed decisions more efficiently and effectively with Synthonnel, where technology meets practicality. One prompt, many LLMs.

…for the Tech-Minded.

Synthonnel is a multidimensional interface for presenting simultaneous LLM responses in a single window from one prompt. Responses can be generated by multiple inference providers, various models, assorted model settings, and in any combination. The software was developed using a combination of Python and JavaScript, using JSON flat files as the lightweight data respository. Synthonnel embraces the open-source philosophy to enhance collaboration and innovation. The source code is readily available on GitHub for anyone interested in exploring, modifying, or contributing to its development.

Designed to run locally on a user's computer, Synthonnel operates through a browser-based interface, ensuring ease of use and accessibility. This decentralized setup means that users can start comparing AI models right away without the hassle of creating an account, providing a seamless and private user experience directly from their desktop. One prompt, many LLMs.

…for your Grandmother.

You've heard of ChatGPT. Now all the big tech companies like Facebook and Google, plus tons of amazing start-ups, are also creating their own chat bots. It's hard to keep track of which is best, and even harder to guess which is best for you. Synthonnel lets you enter your question once, then see the replies from all the chat bots at the same time on one page. Now it's easy to compare and choose your favorite. One prompt, many LLMs.