📄️ Add a Model
Before you can start, you have to add a few models to your Parley.
📄️ QuickTest a Model
In can help to test a new model with a sample prompt to ensure all settings are correct before adding it to the Active and Saved lists.
📄️ Submit a Prompt
You submit one prompt, and each model you have added will return its own response.
📄️ Download as Table
You have three options to download your Parley to share and compare.
📄️ Delete Model
Top top of the screen shows the Active list of Models in the Parley. The Saved Models are profiles that can be added to the Active list.
📄️ Edit Model
Directly editing a Saved or Active model is not supported.
📄️ Save the Parley
📄️ Reopen a Parley
You will need to start the backend server before you can continue your Parley.
📄️ Multiple Parleys
Synthonnel is designed to run multiple Parleys simultaneously.