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The OpenAI API interface is a common standard for LLM API interactions.


The exact parameter name must be used, followed by the equals sign ( = ), then the value:

max_tokens          = 1024

Whitespace such as tabs and spaces are ignored.

frequency_penalty = 0.5
temperature = 1.0

Comments have a hash ( # ) at the beginning of the line and are ignored:

#not_used          = null


The official OpenAI documentation has details about the parameters themselves.


  • Some parameters (such as model and messages) are handled by the Synthonnel software.
  • Some parameters (such as logit_bias) are complex datatypes and not used by Synthonnel at this time.
  • Some parameters (such as n and response_format) do not make sense in Synthonnel usage so are not included.


ParameterData TypeRange
frequency_penaltyfloat-2.0 to 2.0
logprobsbooleantrue or false
top_logprobsinteger0 to 20
max_tokensinteger1 to model dependant
presence_penaltyfloat-2.0 to 2.0
seedintegerinteger max value
stopstring or arrayvalid string or array
temperaturefloat0 to 2
top_pfloat0 to 1